UC Davis Archery

Welcome to UC Davis Archery

Our goal is to promote interest and participation in the sport of target archery, and provide students the opportunity to compete on an intercollegiate level.

Join our Discord!

The UCD Archery Discord server is our primary method of communication. This is the place to go for updates on when lessons and practices are happening, information on how to join the club, and questions about what we do. It’s also how we will let club members know about changes to practice schedules and answer any questions you may have.

Classes for All UC Davis Students

This fall, instructors from the UC Davis Archery team will be hosting archery lessons for anyone who would like to try archery or improve their shooting – no membership required! These classes are organized through Campus Recreation, and will guide you through the basic steps of shooting or offer ways to improve from any level you are at.

Practices & Events

No experience? No equipment? No problem!

Learn everything you need to know from beginner to advanced techniques from nationally certified instructors!

Benefits of Membership

Quarterly, Annual and Day Pass Membership options are available. Find what fits your schedule best!

Meet the Team

As a student-founded and run organization, our team is the heart of what we do. Meet our Officers, Team, and Coaches, and keep up on their accomplishments!

Team Resources

Looking for equipment or additional instruction?
Check out our team resources!